How do I add people to a course?

You can add people to a course in several different ways. At Traineaze, we commonly refer to this as "enolling" people in a course. 

  • You can add people one at a time.
  • If you use Teams to segment your workforce, you can add an entire team to a course. See how teams and users affect each other on course enrollments.
  • You can import a spreadsheet of existing employees to the course.
  • If you need to share a course with external partners, or people that are not active in your Traineaze account, you can share a Guest Link web URL with them.

To Add a Person One at a Time

1. Click Courses from the top main menu.

2. Select your course.

3. From the course management screen, click the "Enrollments" tab on the left side of the screen.

4. Under the People section, click the "Unassigned" tab.

5. Find the person you want to enroll in the course and click the blue + button next to their name. 

6. The person should now be under the assigned tab and is enrolled in the course. 

Note: You can remove a person from the course by clicking the Assigned tab and then clicking the orange - button next to their name. 


To Add a Team To a Course

1. Click Courses from the top main menu.

2. Select your course.

3. From the course management screen, click the "Enrollments" tab on the left side of the screen.

4. Under the Teams section, click the "Unassigned" tab.

5. Find the team you want to enroll in the course and click the blue + button next to the team name. 

6. All people in the selected team are now enrolled in the course. The Team will show under the Teams->Assigned tab, and all individual members will be listed under the People->Assigned tab. 

Note: You can remove a team, or an individual team member from the course by clicking the orange - button next to their name.



How Teams and Users Affect One-Another On Course Enrollments 

What Is a Team?

How to Share a Link with a Guest


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