How Course Inactivity Works

When someone is taking a course and they sit idle for a period of time, the system considers them inactive and will close their session and exit them from the course. This helps keep your Total Time tracking per person per course more accurate.

The default timeout value is 5 minutes.

How inactivity tracking works depends on the content being viewed

  • For most content, timeout tracking begins as soon as the Next button is displayed. This means if you have configured a piece of content to "don't show the next button for 10 seconds", inactivity tracking won't begin until after the 10 second delay expires.
  • For videos and audio, inactivity tracking begins once the clip has finished playing.
  • For questions, inactivity tracking begins as soon as the question is displayed.
  • For external content, or content displayed in a new window, inactivity tracking is disabled.
  • Once a person completes a course, inactivity tracking is disabled during any review sessions.

As a company admin, you have control over the timeout value for your courses 

There are a couple of ways to set the course inactivity timer. 

1. Under Company Settings->Course Settings, you can set a default timeout value that will be used for all courses.

2. You can also adjust the timeout value for each piece of content as you build a course. This gives you maximum control of when to consider someone "inactive" for each piece of content.

In most situations, the company default value should be good enough. However, if you have a particularly wordy PDF you want your learners to read, you may opt to increase the timeout value for that PDF content only.

For the person taking a course

When a person taking a course has been idle and their session is about to expire, they will get a "30 second warning" letting them know they are about to be exited from the course. To cancel the timeout and stay in the course, they can move or click their mouse, press a key, or tap the screen (if they are on a mobile device).



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