How to add a course to a collection

You can add a course to a collection from either the Course Collection screen, or from the Course Settings screen of a selected course.

Adding a course from the Course Collection screen:

1. Click Courses on the main menu bar.

3. Click on Collections.

3. Find the collection you want to add a course to and click the +Add Course link located on the right side of the collection.

4. Select the course(s) you want to add to the collection from the popup window.

5. Click Save.


From the Course Settings screen:

1. Click Courses on the main menu bar.

2. Click the course you want to add to a collection.

3. Click the Settings tab located on the left of the screen.

4. Towards to bottom of the screen, you should see a Collection section. Pick the collection from the list to add the course to.

5. Click Save.



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