Overview of the Traineaze Skill System

Skills Overview

At Traineaze, we believe that the goal of most training is to enhance a persons competency, or build awareness, with certain skills. Therefore, we provide a skill system that allows you to easily capture and track all the skills your workforce has been trained on.

The Traineaze Skill System allows you to award skills for completed courseware, plus capture on-the-job (ad-hoc) training by allowing team managers and admins to endorse users for certain skills.

Overtime you end up with a repository representing your entire workforce, the training they have received, and all skills they have been accredited. This invaluable information can be used to optimally staff future projects, find areas of improvement, identify trends, be incorporated into an employee rewards program, and much more.

Each company has the capability to define the list of skills they want to track. 

How To Endorse a Skill

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