The Traineaze skills system allows you to build a talent repository of your workforce. Skills are optionally awarded and added to an employees profile when they successfully complete a course.
In order to use the skill system, you must first add the skills your company wants to track to your company skill repository. The steps below show you how.
1. From the top menu, click Account and select Company Settings.
2. Select the Skills tab on the left side of the screen.
3. From the Skills screen, click the "Add New Skill" button.
4. Enter the name of the Skill you want to add to your companies repository. Click Save.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each skill you want to add to your companies skill repository.
6. Now that skills have been added to your company skill repository, you can begin awarding skills upon course completion.
How To Define Skills For Your Company
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