The Course Overview screen

The Course Overview screen provides you with real-time vital information, both at-a-glance and in the form of various MS Excel reports. 

Real-Time Key Indicators

  • Average Score - The average score attained by all people that have attempted the course. Note: If grading is not enabled for a course, this will remain 0%.
  • Average Time - The average time it is taking people to complete the course. This includes any failed attempts.
  • Failed Attempts - Displays how many failed attempts have been made and by how many people. Click on this box to display the list of people that failed.
  • Course Progress Chart - The pie chart indicates the % of enrolled people that have completed the course, are in progress, or have not started. Clicking on a pie chart section will filter the list of people. For example, if you click Completed, you will see only people that have completed the course.

Note: If a course is configured to handle failed attempts as "Retake Until Pass", the pie chart will never display a real-time status for "Failed". This is because in this case, the system treats a failed attempt as still In Progress. You can still track failed attempts by loooking in the Failed Attempts key indicator, or looking at the number of attempts by each person's name in the grid.


  • Progress Report - Provides a MS Excel report that details course completion information per person, including progress status, time, and score. This report will show the number of attempts it took someone to pass the course, but does not provide details for the failed attempts. It's meant to provide "current" course status.
  • Attempt Report - This report is similar to the Progress report, but also includes details for failed course attempts per person.
  • ScoreCard - Click the icon to the right of a persons name to view their scorecard for the given course. The ScoreCard shows their overall score, how much time they spent in total taking the course, details for each attempt, and all questions and answers.


  • You can get quick access to a course progress report by clicking the report icon next to a course on the Course List Screen.

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  • 0
    Tony moye

    tim quinn trainer has set me up PROCESS SERVER CRS


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